Punk rock legend Gary Floyd of the legendary DICKS enters the lair of the Protonic Reversal! We talk about HATE THE POLICE, how it has sadly aged pretty well and is quite possibly one of the greatest debut singles of any punk rock band. The origin of the band in Texas (name and flyers first), and subsequently moving to San Francisco. Being an out queer punk rock front person in the days of punk rock and early hardcore. Visual art and health issues. Biscuit from Big Boys and the common cause with Dicks. David Yow and Wheelchair Epidemic (and the dildos), a surprise Butthole Surfers song title homage, Sister Double Happiness! Touring with Nirvana and Soundgarden. Oh yeah, and taking off two years to… live in a monastery? Black Kali Ma, reunion tours, San Francisco related minutia, and lots, lots more.