Month: September 2014

Ep023: Elliot Turton (Waxeater, None of the Above Podcast)Ep023: Elliot Turton (Waxeater, None of the Above Podcast)

Conan Neutron's Protonic Reversal

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(stream and download – Episode 23)

episode23 - Elliot Turton

PREMIERES and RAIN! Later Conan talks with Elliot Turton of Waxeater/None of the Above Podcast. The dangers of multiple open mics, running the Howard Stern West Coast feed. The Waxeater Sports Radio appearance/interview, not being spoon fed rock music. Joining Waxeater… cassettes, etc. From Low Frequencies to None of the Above, The background on the None of the Above crew, a regular schedule, hand cues and keeping order in a broadcast/podcast. Beer radio. On dying on a stage on tour, no… literally dying from electrocution. Missing the “27 club”. Baltimore record is a concept record about the Wire and lots more. Jam packed with good music… and a baffling on air tech support call from Conan’s dad.

8:00am: Ozark Bowtie (Opening Theme) by Tilts from Tilts

Intro, rain, etc.

8:09am: It All Means Nothing by Screaming Females from Ugly
8:12am: Don’t Eat the Bag of Dicks Marked ‘Bob’ in the Breakroom Fridge by Split Pricks from Hang In there, Baby

Protonic Reversal: like being in a record store with a pushy friend. talk up, social networking (*YAWN*)

8:19am: Spent by Reverb Bomb from Cheaters
8:21am: Le Dragon by Lozen from Para Vida

“Be a part of the conversation”

8:28am: Riding Bikes by Shellac from Dude Incredible

Phone call by Torrey, Conan’s Dad… kind of a tech support call?

8:38am: Sesame Street Meat by Melvins from Hold It In
8:41am: Psychopath by St. Vincent from St. Vincent

You are tech support forever once you work in technology.

8:49am: An Expose On Motherfuckers by Split Pricks from Hang In there, Baby
8:52am: Snot Rocket by Motherfucker from Tae Kwon Do

(see what he did there?)

8:58am: That’s Protestant Whiskey by Waxeater from Baltimore Record
9:02am: The Bunk by Waxeater from Baltimore Record

Talk with Elliot Turton of Waxeater/None of the Above Podcast. The dangers of multiple open mics, running the Howard Stern West Coast feed. The Waxeater Sports Radio appearance/interview, not being spoon fed rock music. Joining Waxeater… cassettes, etc. From Low Frequencies to None of the Above, The background on the None of the Above crew, a regular schedule, hand cues and keeping order in a broadcast/podcast. Beer radio. On dying on a stage on tour, no… literally dying from electrocution. Missing the “27 club”. Baltimore record is a concept record about the Wire

9:44am: Omar Comin’ by Waxeater from Baltimore Record
9:47am: Cry Tag by Like Like The The The Death from Cave Jenny

show close.

9:52am: The End of Radio by Shellac from Excellent Italian Underground

Ep022: Jon Illum/Evan Gritzon (Lords of Sealand)Ep022: Jon Illum/Evan Gritzon (Lords of Sealand)

Conan Neutron's Protonic Reversal

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(stream and download – Episode 22)

Evan and Jon from Lords of Sealand come into the studio to speak about Found Fiction their new ep/lp. Additionally Conan paraphrases the “mclusky” benefit rather ineptly, there is talk of viewmasters, flavored coffee, lyrics and profitsharing systems, the spotted dick and Bono sneaking music onto iphones. DJ ambitious wordplay suggests you give it a listen.

00:00:00 Tilts – Ozark Bowtie


00:06:26 christian fitness – aghast, anon, anew
00:09:42 shellac – dude incredible

00:15:38 Feeling Gravity’s Pull – The Committee to Keep Death Permanent

00:18:44 Talk with Evan Gritzon and Jon Illum from Lords of Sealand
Conan paraphrases the “mclusky” benefit rather ineptly, nostalgia, etc. Scottish independence.
The wrath of Con, “giving this ‘record thing’ up’. The Crux vs. Big Crux, viewmasters, etc.
The story behind “found fiction”.

Jon Illum

00:42:19 Lords of Sealand – Salty Gear
00:45:42 Lords of Sealand – Architect

00:48:07 back with Evan and Jon, Conan steals Brenna’s headphones. Musical takes on things, Lords of Sealand is hard to describe. Storytelling Forest Rock?, Evan rejects Conan’s description completely. Flavored coffee. Lyrics and profitsharing systems, charity, etc. Bloodhag and libraries, recording in isolation

01:04:45 Lords of Sealand – King With No Hands
01:09:29 Burn Permits – The Jerk
01:12:12 Dead Rider – New Eyes

01:14:55 palpableness and the spotted dick, heard at a renfest, Jon spotted dick exclusive
skit tracks, people still love the “idea of Conan” on Spotify, Bono sneaking U2 songs onto iphones

01:39:15 The Book-Burners – Come Home
01:43:05 Lords of Sealand – Brittle Bones

01:46:56 Hitting the post-post, DJ Ambitious Wordplay, Camus. plugs and wrap up.

01:52:00 Shellac – The End of Radio
01:52:59 Surprise post show call from Torrey Neutron

Ep021: Steve Albini (Shellac, Big Black, Engineer)Ep021: Steve Albini (Shellac, Big Black, Engineer)

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We speak with the one and only Steve Albini, pretty cool. Drive Like Jehu show recap and a whole lotta great talkin’ get into it.

00:00:00 Tilts – Ozark Bowtie (Opening Theme)
00:02:20 Welcome to one and all. Don’t leave your drugs scattered about. Rhymes with Gandolfino. Whippets with protonic reversal.

00:05:50 The Bismarck – Necklace of Human Dicks
00:09:21 Shellac – Copper

00:11:08 Candy necklaces and human dicks, coffee, Shellac – Breaking the Silence, and breaking the glass, the dicks of hazard, Frente! (yes Frente!), Drive Like Jehu / Spreckels Organ recap, reunions that are not cash ins but instead build community.

00:21:30 Drive Like Jehu – If It Kills You
00:28:42 Shellac – The Guy Who Invented Fire

00:30:15 Steve Albini
Radio stations and ambient noise, Hearing the character of the neighborhood in the show, being a punk rock guru and answering questions, John Grabski III and the story of Teeth: a man with cancer who made the record he always wanted to make. That just so happened to be about his fight with cancer, the second Teeth record, The self policing PRF (Electrical Audio Forum), service industry, Spotify/Sleepify, pay to stream models, instant availability and constant present tense, the democratization of distribution, the statistical unlikeliness of a good band from Florida, finding an audience post-mortem, “classic DATs”, a typical Steve Albini day. work, sleep, wife and a few indulgences. longevity vs. productivity, DUDE INCREDIBLE, if the process is so slow, why not put out singles?, The people’s microphone, the song and concept. Surveyors. working knowledge of the land. The End of Radio – explained, perspective and evolution, younger generations, retrospection, etc. Nina Nastasia, listener fatigue from engineering, Cigar Aficionado and Guitar Aficionado magazines, heated walkways, Don’t quit.

01:40:42 Shellac – Steady As She Goes
01:44:45 Shellac – Wingwalker
01:49:37 Shellac – Spoke

01:51:04 Call from “Steve Albini”, always take the points.

01:52:04 Shellac – The End of Radio (Closing Theme)

Ep020: Good Morning, MusicEp020: Good Morning, Music

Conan Neutron's Protonic Reversal

Subscribe via iTunes Protonic Reversal on Stitcher

(stream and download – Episode 20)

At some point early on Conan talks about seeing Slint after the funeral of his dead friend. Otherwise this one is pretty much just music. Do you like music? Good! You will like this episode then.

8:05am: Peacetime by Minutes from Minutes

8:08am: Digital Witness by St. Vincent from St. Vincent

8:17am: Come Home by The Book-Burners from The People’s Songs

8:21am: Tae Kwon Do by Motherfucker from Tae Kwon Do

8:32am: Lost Year by Family Ghost from No Dreams

8:40am: Mt. Pleasant Isn’t by The Evens from The Evens

8:46am: Brass Cupcake by Melvins from Hold It In

8:50am: Instrument of God by King Buzzo from This Machine Kills Artists

9:00am: Do You Compute? by Drive Like Jehu from Yank Crime

9:07am: soft power fitness by christian fitness from i’m scared of everything that isn’t me

9:08am: Wannadon’t by FoWlMoUth from Smith

9:17am: WORK! by Vulgar Trade from Gross Century

9:18am: Jamie by The Bismark from Wild Prairie Rose

9:24am: Song 30 by The Austerity Program from Beyond Calculation

9:28am: Buried in the Snow by the rutabega from Brother, The Lights Don’t Work

9:40am: The Swifts by Nonagon from People Live Everywhere

9:43am: Gold Widow by Survival Knife from Loose Power

9:48am: Nothing Left by Marnie Stern from Marnie Stern

9:54am: End of Radio (Closing Theme) by Shellac from Excellent Italian Greyhound