(stream and download – Episode 30)
Indiana transplants Love Moon (3/4 of the band Male Bondage) come into the Radio Valencia studios to talk about relocating to the west coast, avocado apps and… potlucks? Additionally there is a lot of talk of Scatman John. Did you know that he overcame adversity? All this… great tunes, and great times.
8:00am: Ozark Bowtie by Tilts from Tilts (Opening Theme)
8:04am: The Gold Chair Ate The Fire Man by Le Butcherettes from Cry is For the Flies
8:24am: Blonde Mexican by Glose from Very Best of Glose
8:26am: 19 Hours in Portland by Love Moon from Hocus Focus
8:46am: Mirrorful by Jawbox from Jawbox
8:49am: Titanium Falcon by Tilts from Cuatro Hombres9:17am: Dances With Wolves In Sheeps Clothing by Hurry Up Shotgun from Abracadabraham Lincoln
9:19am: Born Ready by Love Moon from Hocus Focus9:52am: The End of Radio by Shellac from Excellent Italian Greyhound (closing theme)