The finest interview/discussion show on music and musicians that mean a whole hell of a lot to certain people. Why we do what we do?, Rocker ennui, amusing anecdotes, process and context
RSS iTunes2021-04-09
Conan Neutron's Protonic Reversal
Yes, yes! The unmistakable Falco returns to Protonic Reversal. We talk about GATEWAY BAND, the new mclusky* live record that comes with a demo of things to come. Creating and the act of creating. SONGS! SONGS! SONGS! More songs than a song convention? SING IT. They may be ones you may or may not get to hear. Christian Fitness, Future of the Left, back issues. Shipping records. Cardiff –> London —> Bristol. Kelson the dentist. Look, look… the man has been on at least 7 times over the years. There’s a good reason. A DELIGHTFUL CHAT. Chock full of delight, really.
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