Conan Neutron’s Protonic Reversal

The finest interview/discussion show on music and musicians that mean a whole hell of a lot to certain people. Why we do what we do?, Rocker ennui, amusing anecdotes, process and context

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Ep100: Chris Frey! Christian Lembach! Sohrab Habibion! Josh Newton! Dale Crover! Tom Hazelmyer! Andrew "Falco" Falkous! Rick Valentin! (not) Steve Albini!


Conan Neutron's Protonic Reversal

Oh, shit, it's the hundredth episode of PROTONIC REVERSAL! Thrill as Conan, Josh, and special in-studio guest Jeff Moody wrangle GUEST AFTER GUEST for two and a half hours! Get ready to hear such scintillations as: -Chris Frey on navigating medical crises on a European tour! -Christian Lembach on stage rocking with a bum knee! -Sohrab Habibion on the new SAVAK album! -Josh Newton on Glazed Baby and mysterious Bandcamp apperances! -Dale Crover on bootleg shoes and Siri! -Tom Hazelmeyer on carrot cake! -Rick Valentin on album sequencing and punk rock professorin'! -Andrew Falkous on parenthood and moving to London as a grownup! -NOT Steve Albini! And, believe it or not, EVEN MORE! (Although not more guests, tho, that's all the guests.) Two and a half hours of entertainment and artistic motivation awaits you, friend! Porch - Dickhead Whores - I see you are also wearing a black t-shirt Savak - Alive in Shadows Shiner - The Egg Sie lieben maschinen - meat is meat, love is murder Dale Crover - Bad Move Future of the Left - Eating for None Poster Children - Blatant Dis Shellac - Steady As She Goes Shellac Crow Shellac - The End of Radio (Closing Theme)

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 135 MB - Duration: 2:29:49m (120 kbps 44100 Hz)

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